Cooperative Communities of Chicago

Info hub for housing that you can afford and enjoy.

National Cooperative Business Association

Based in Washington DC.

From their website:

Founded in 1916, the National Cooperative Business Association, CLUSA International (NCBA CLUSA) began as the Cooperative League of America until it was renamed the Cooperative League of the USA (CLUSA) in 1922, and then rebranded as NCBA in 1985. Today, now known as NCBA CLUSA, we are the oldest not-for-profit cooperative development and trade association in the United States, fostering cooperative and international economic and social development in the United States and abroad. Our mission is to develop, advance, and protect cooperative enterprise; our work highlights the impact that cooperatives have in the economic success of communities around the world. Internationally, our mission is to alleviate poverty through economic and social empowerment.

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